Friday nights in the Fall on Detroit rd, usually include over 400 students participating in Band, Poms, Cheerleaders and Players participating in a fantastic community event in Ohio – High School Football.
The scoreboard is easily followed, but the experience of our children is first and foremost. To this end the Marooners focus on the Players, promoting safety, inclusion and of course fun.
The Marooners have made a commitment to safety from varsity thru 3rd grade, and the results are in from an independent study by WKYC. Using the “STAR” analysis, developed by Virginia Tech and Wake Forest University a helmet review protocol was developed. WKYC applied STAR to Northeast Ohio High Schools. The researchers found that helmets can reduce force of impact by up to 50%. This is safety!
We are proud to report when our varsity students, children and friends buckle their chin straps they are wearing the highest rated helmets available for safety. Safety and fun is a moving target, and everyone’s support and participation is needed. To learn more please go to and help us make Fridays safe and fun for everyone!

Rocky River 2014 Varsity Football new helmets by Riddell